
伦敦(London)-英国的首都伯明翰(Birmingham)-英格兰工业重镇 格拉斯哥(Glasgow)-旅游、文化和建筑艺术之城曼彻斯特(Manchester)-欧洲最有活力的城市之一 利物浦(Liverpool)-创新之城 加的夫(Cardiff)-威尔士的首府 纽卡斯尔(Newcastle)-英格兰的***之城 莱斯特(Leicester)-多元文化之都 埃克塞特(Exeter)-通往美丽的西南英格兰的门户 贝尔法斯特(Belfast)-北爱尔兰的首府朴次茅斯(Port***outh)-海上之国的心脏 利兹(Leeds)-英格兰北部的心脏 剑桥(Cambridge)-英国最负盛名的学术之城
释义:come from:来自 province:省 city:市例句:I am come from Guangdong province, shenzhen city.我来自于广东省,深圳市。
英文是先说道路门牌号,再说乡镇,然后再说县市,再然后说省自治区直辖市,最后再说国家。先说小后说大是英文约定俗成的条文。因此英语我来自哪省哪市必须说我来自哪市哪省。邵I come from city x,cation x.这正好跟中文相反。咱中文的习惯是先说省份再说县市,即从大到小,以体现地方服从中央,下级服从上级的集权制度。
Five scenic spots in xiamen are recommended
1. Gulangyu island. Seen from a distance, gulangyu island is a beautiful island. It is a 5A scenic spot in China, attracting a large number of tourists every year. The buildings of various local characteristics on the island bring together a large number of shops and various snacks, which combine the charming scenery on the island and make people linger on. Standing on the soft beach, blowing cool sea breeze, can let a person completely relax.
2. Xiamen university, which is a very beautiful campus, is called the most beautiful university in xiamen. The campus is full of green vegetation, walking in it makes people feel very comfortable and comfortable. Stay in the busy city for a long time, come to this quiet campus walk, looking at the beautiful scenery, feel the atmosphere of learning students, there is no recall of the past student days of good memories! There are many cafes around the campus, forming a beautiful landscape.
3: huandao road, xiamen huandao road is built along the coast, the roadside has a lot of scenic spots, walk on the road, you do not h***e to deliberately to find scenic spots, one side is the green sea, feel the sea breeze on the face of the feeling, the warmth of the sun on the body, as if the whole person has been integrated into this beauty.
4: south putuo temple, south putuo temple and xiamen university adjacent, it is a well-known buddhist temple in the country, here might as well go in to please a incense, worship, pray for a blessing, the lotus pool next to the temple is also let a person enjoy.
5: Xiang 'an Tunnel is a cross-sea passage connecting huli district and Xiang 'an district in xiamen city, fujian province, China. It is located at the mouth of jiulong river and is an important part of the main urban road in the northeast of xiamen city.