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成都旅游城市介绍 英文,成都旅游介绍英文版

cysgjjcysgjj时间2024-09-19 01:51:14分类城市旅游浏览5
导读:大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于成都旅游城市介绍 英文的问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍成都旅游城市介绍 英文的解答,让我们一起看看吧。介绍朋友来四川的英语作文?用英语写:成都在中国的西部。成都很大,大约有1400万人。成都有很多可以参观的地方?成都宽窄巷子介绍英语作文?介绍朋友来四川的英……...

大家好,今天小编关注到一个比较有意思的话题,就是关于成都旅游城市介绍 英文问题,于是小编就整理了3个相关介绍成都旅游城市介绍 英文的解答,让我们一起看看吧。

  1. 介绍朋友来四川的英语作文?
  2. 用英语写:成都在中国的西部。成都很大,大约有1400万人。成都有很多可以参观的地方?
  3. 成都宽窄巷子介绍英语作文?


You are welcome to visit Sichuan, where there are beautiful mountains and rivers, as well as various delicacies. The most important thing in the farm garden is that you can also watch the giant pandas protected by the state


Chengdu in China's western Chengdu, there are a lot of 14 thousand people in Chengdu, there are many places成都在中国的西部 成都很大有1.400万人 成都有很多地方

成都旅游城市介绍 英文,成都旅游介绍英文版


Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan province, is a boom town: Foreign investment from multinationals such as Intel, Motorola and Microsoft has flooded the city.

Despite the fact that the province bore the brunt of the May 12 earthquake, Chengdu itself emerged mostly unscathed.

The city dates back more than 2,000 years to the Han Dynasty — but you h***e to hunt pretty hard to find any trace of old Chengdu. And if you find something that looks old, it probably isn't.

成都旅游城市介绍 英文,成都旅游介绍英文版

Take, for instance, the tiny street known as Narrow Alley, which is considered the "beating heart of old Chengdu" — the last remnant of the old city.

The homes that once filled the street h***e all been torn down. They are being rebuilt in the old style — brick construction, curved, tiled roofs with decorative trim. It all looks very old, but in fact, it's brand new.

The homes are being turned into businesses — shops, restaurants and bars — and the area is being promoted as a tourist attraction.

成都旅游城市介绍 英文,成都旅游介绍英文版

到此,以上就是小编对于成都旅游城市介绍 英文的问题就介绍到这了,希望介绍关于成都旅游城市介绍 英文的3点解答对大家有用。


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